Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chapter 10 Vocabulary Terms

Vocab Quiz: Thursday 12/13
Format: Matching

Chapter 10, Section 1
Information Revolution
Thaddeus Stevens
“a political community of white persons”

Chapter 10, Section 2
American System
Henry Clay
John Calhoun
“internal improvements”
Second Bank of the United States
Panic of 1819
McCulloch vs. Maryland
Era of Good Feelings
Missouri Compromise
Comity clause

Chapter 10, Section 3
Monroe Doctrine
Election of 1824
Corrupt Bargain
Democratic Party
Whig Party
Martin Van Buren
John Quincy Adams
Election of 1828

Chapter 10, Sections 4 & 5
Spoils System
Democratic Party
Whig Party
Tariff of 1828
Tariff of Abominations
Indian Removal Act
Five Civilized Tribes
Worcester vs. Georgia (1832)
Trail of Tears
Nicholas Biddle
Bank War
Pet Banks
Panic of 1837