Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HW 11/20 ALL Foner Ch. 8

Read: Eric Foner, Chapter 8, All Sections p. 280-end.
Task: Annotate as you read See Guidelines Below
Due: Monday, November 26, 2012 
*This assignment was announced and given out on Tuesday, 11/20

Annotation Guidelines:

1. Read FIRST, then annotate
2. Write one annotation note per paragraph. I recommend annotations that summarize each paragraph.
3. Your underlining/highlighting should be the line, sentence or quote that SUPPORTS your annotation summary.
4. DO NOT highlight until you have read the entire paragraph. Once you have read the paragraph, then you can go back and select the items that are worthy of being highlighted for later reference.
5. Identify any words that may be key vocabulary terms or words that you need to look up
6. Developing your own annotation system is acceptable and encouraged (ex: green highlight = vocabulary; blue highlight= important people; [brackets around a sentence]= thesis or big idea; *star= this was discussed in class)